Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Newbies & First Timers Read This Bulletin !!

If you have not printed a poster or flyer yet, I would prefer to proofread/edit or make suggestions about the content and substance.

Send files for proofreading in .jpg or .pdf formats only, reduced to no more than 200kb, if possible.

Please be aware that the relationship of artwork, photography, fonts, layout, and grammar are crucial in regard to the immediate impression generated by the target consumer.

Unless you are a graphic designer, a do it yourself flyer design will not be sufficient to get the attention you are competing for.
Flyers that are created on template programs, such as VistaPrint's instant formatting program or MS Word tend to do very poorly.

The big telltale sign relative to poor poster or flyer layout is that all of the text and fonts are on auto-center--and the last words of sentences tend to end in the middle of the page, with lots of blank space extending to the margins on either side of them.

Use a text box to remedy these layout problems, and remember to use a larger font size, it's a poster or a flyer--not a document.

If you cannot easily read a poster or flyer while viewing it on your computer in it's actual dimensions from 3 feet away--you've got a problem.

If you are having trouble fixing these problems find a graphic designer to fix them.

In advertising the quality of the artwork and layout is a reflection of your product, service or event.

On the street (particularly in flyering) there is no time to fill in any gaps or correct a visual and conceptual ambiguity, or to verbally indicate or clarify information that was left out.

If essential or additional information is missing there is no opportunity to verbally inform a consumer about it...take my word for all of this info... and please don't ask me how I know this...

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